
Colored Glass Dinnerware For Debs W Remman

colored glass dinnerware

The Glass Co Blog

Colored Glass Dinnerware For Lebanese Restaurant!

colored glass trayDebs W Remman
is a modern Lebanese restaurant. Its style combines the traditional with the spirit of the present. For its delicious Lebanese cuisine, our Glass Studio tabletop designer, Jenny, selected colored glass dinnerware our casual dinnerware brand, Tiger Glass.

colored glass tablewareTiger Glass colored glass plates are great for presenting cuisines with big variety of dishes and colorful foods because it offers a big variety of colors, styles and shapes to match any food presentation!

colored glass bowlTiger Glass colored glass dinnerware have a casual style and free form shapes,  making them great for the relaxed environment of a casual restaurant.

The colored glass plates by Tiger Glass are handmade which makes them ideal for the usually desired traditional touch of ethnic restaurants. At the same time, their modern design makes them versatile for various types of restaurant interiors and gives a present spirit to traditional style!

Feel free to contact us at for tabletop ideas!

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Scroll down for more colored glass dinneware photos!

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